Outdoor team building activity ideas

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor

Outdoor team building activity ideas

Cultivating good relationships at work, based on understanding and collaboration, helps people to be more productive, more dedicated to their chosen job, but also happier in their everyday lives. Organizing team building is the best way to strengthen relationships between colleagues and push them to improve their teamwork skills in an informal setting full of interesting activities. When to organize it? Usually during the periods when many new people are hired, and the newcomers did not have time to get to know each other and to interact with the rest of the people in the company.

If you have such an event to organize and you don’t know where to start, we have prepared a list of activities that will turn the outdoor team building into a fun and productive event:

# Kayaking / Canoeing on the lake

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor 1 (Plimbare pe lac)

Divide employees into teams of two or let them choose their own paddling partners and rent kayaks and canoes. This activity will help them relax, but it will also be a good opportunity for colleagues to work together: it requires coordination and they need to help each other, just like at work, to move the boats forward. Don’t forget to prepare life vests as well, so that everyone will be and will feel safe. The whole activity can take place on Lake Cernica, and at the end a unique festive meal can be organized for the whole team, right on the Cernica Events pontoon.

# Adventure park

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor 2 (Aventura Park)

It is a dynamic activity that gives the participants the opportunity to test their limits and endurance, each one being able to choose the routes, depending on the difficulty. Employees will thus be able to enjoy an outing in nature, interact with the rest of their colleagues and relax before a new work week.

# Obstacle race

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor 3 (Cursa cu obstacole)

What says “teamwork” better than a race where you have to be guided by your teammates to have a chance to win? Each participant who has to pass through the obstacles will be blindfolded, and the directions of his teammates will be his only „compass”. This outdoor competition is a good way to encourage everyone present to collaborate, to explain clearly and to listen carefully when needed.

# Tree planting

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor 4 (Plantare copaci)

The planting of tree saplings is among the activities that help the company, but also the entire society. If the company headquarters is in an area that has been deforested or has suffered from wildfires, it is a good opportunity for employees to work together to restore it to its former beauty. Each participant can name their tree and watch it, with pride, as it evolves over time.

# Board games

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor 5 (Jocuri de societate)

Choose the games based on the skills you want to test. Jenga will test coordination and patience, Activity will invite the employees to put their imagination and body in motion through drawing and mime activities. Everyone should have a chance to have fun, so remember to check the maximum number of participants for each game.

# Outdoor movie

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor 6 (Film în aer liber)

The film and location make the difference here. Choose a film full of meaning or that presents an existing issue from your company. After watching the film, you can organize a debate in which everyone will have the opportunity to offer their own solutions. This exercise helps to better understand the thinking of others and to discover common difficulties. The chosen location must be able to provide a space where the screen and video projector can be placed, but also an alternative hall, where you can move in case of rain. For example, the activity can be organized in the Cernica Events garden, and it can be moved indoors to the covered Arcadia Hall if the weather changes.

# Hiking

Idei de activități teambuilding outdoor 7 (Hiking)

Hiking is a challenge that requires endurance, so it is good to know in advance whether all participants are fit for such an activity. The chosen route can be one for beginners or even advanced, if the team consists of people with experience in walking on steep mountain paths.

Whatever activity you plan, don’t forget the main goal of outdoor team building is that of giving the participants the opportunity to enjoy nature, to get to know each other better and strengthen the relationships between them and the rest of their work colleagues.